Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tribal Print

   Top: Target
Shorts: Old Navy
Shoes: Cato
Belt: Gift

I wish I could say it's cool in Texas, but it is blazing hot and doesn't even feel like fall. I'm praying that it gets cool soon. As much as I love shorts and cute tanks and v-necks, I'm ready for the fall, cool weather.
I love to wear orange, gold and brown centered outfits and due to my basically 5 month summer I'm a little tired of wearing super bright colors and I'm not enjoy the fact that when I walk outside I'm immediately sweating. I'm sorry if I come off like I'm rude or hate summer, but since I live in the hottest part of Texas, I feel as if I have rights to be a little ticked that it's still hot.
Well, I hope your weather is cooled down. Please pray that Texas weather goes down a couple degrees this week.

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