Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Running Tips

From my running training for my half marathon, I have learned that your need to have a running plan. When me and my two sisters started our half marathon training, we knew we didn't want to run seven days a week, and we knew we needed a plan. So, my sisters and I decided we would run five days a week. Everyday, but Wednesday, and Sunday, we ran. We ran 2-4 miles each day except for Saturday, when we ran our long runs. We tried to work our way up a mile a week in our long runs.
I also learned, that to be a good runner, you need to stay hydrated. Drinking water has never been problem for me, but I did increase how much water I drank. I have always carried a water bottle around, so when I started running, I tried to drink at least one whole water bottle. My water bottle was roughly 16oz.

So, from running, I have learned you need a running schedule and you need to drink lots of water to stay hydrated.

Thank you so much for visiting Love, Caroline! I would love to hear from you by leaving a comment below or contacting me through email. Your support is always so appreciated! Have a great rest of the week!!
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