Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Blue + Grey Stripes

Shirt Thrift/ Pants Thrift / Boyfriend Cardigan JcPenney Belt Target (last year)/ Shoes Toms
This week has been so hectic! I know, it's the second day, what could have happened?! But, be assured, a lot has happened. Last night the Internet went out and we (i.e. my family) discovered our Internet had been purposely disconnected. Anyway, long story short, we just got Internet today at about 2pm after we lost it last night at about 7pm. So, to make up for my post last night, here is a style post and a life post combined.
I have discovered through this life changing event, that I rely too heavily on the commodities of not only a person of the 21st century, but as an American. I thought today about people around the world who go without electricity and running water, and who could care less about Internet, than the average American.
In the result of my thinking, I have decided to be grateful for the small things I have, like running water, electricity, and of course, the Internet. Also, I am not going to pray more, for the people who have less than me. I don't want to be the average American, I want to be someone who steps out of their comfort zone and helps someone and impacts another persons life, everyday.
Do you feel pressured by the world to have a face pace and to leave people out? I would love for you to join me in trying to impact one persons life a day!! Even just holding a door for someone behind you or taking time to talk to someone who you usually brush past are great ways to help people.
Thank you so much for visiting Love, Caroline! I would love to hear from you by leaving a comment below or contacting me through email. Your support is always so appreciated! Have a great rest of the week!!
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