Friday, May 10, 2013

Sweet and Salty Popcorn and Movie Night

Well, it's Friday, and I'm exhausted from finals and excited for the beginning of summer break! Friday nights are when I just chill and watch movies with the family and friends and eat good popcorn. You can never go wrong with popcorn. I've been on a sweet popcorn kick lately, so I've been making my popcorn a little differently lately, and I call sweet and salty popcorn. Here's how I make it.

  1. popcorn kernels 
  2. popper machine 
  3. bowl
  4. maple syrup 
  5. sugar 
  6. salt 
  1. Pop the popcorn in the popper machine and place in a bowl.
  2. Pour the maple syrup over the popcorn.
  3. Then sprinkle a mixture of salt and sugar and mix together with your hand or with a spoon and enjoy!
The best thing about this recipe is that it is easy to make and is perfect for Friday night movies.

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  1. I've never thought to use maple syrup!! I love a popcorn off the stove and totally need to try this!


  2. Hi Caroline! Thanks for stopping by and following! Your blog is so adorable. Love it. You have great style! I'm a new follower. xo

  3. Love your blog. Found you through the bloghop. Following you!

    Follow me back @

  4. I love the idea of sweet and salty popcorn for movie night.


Thanks so much for your sweet comments!

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